Invisible Film
Rex Cinema London • United Kingdom [GB]INVISIBLE FILM | Screening & Discussion | organised by South London Gallery
18 NOV • 2006 → Discussion TIMECODES 04:00 pm
Film critic Mark Nash leads a discussion to consider new forms of cinematic narrative and the real and imagined cosmos. The discussion will be followed by a special screening of Melik Ohanian’s ‘Invisible Film’, 2005, within the auditorium, introduced by French critic and curator Jean-Christophe Royoux.
18 NOV • 2006 → Screening 06:00 pm
Melik Ohanian’s installation, ‘Invisible Film’, 2005, documents a projection of the independent movie, ‘Punishment Park’, banned in the UK for more than 30 years on political grounds. Ohanian’s work is a poetic commentary on censorship in the media and the current political climate.
Invisible Film documents a projection in the California deserts, of Punishment Park, directed by Peter Watkins in 1971, an independent movie banned in the UK as well as the USA for its anti-war stance following military action in Vietnam. Without a screen the image is projected unseen into the distance on the location in which the film was made.
30 NOV • 2006 → Screening 07:00 pm
Screening: Punishment Park by Peter Watkins
A presentation of Peter Watkins’ movie on which Ohanian’s ‘Invisible Film’ is based. A pseudo-documentary on an American penitentiary in which draft dodgers are subjected to a harsh regime of physical and psychological torture, this once banned film is equally pertinent today as when it was first released.
The Rex Bar & Cinema
21 Rupert Street, W1V 7FE.
Free after 6pm but booking essential. Pay bar.
Call 020 7703 6120 or email