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© Melik Ohanian
Datcha Project — Real Track (I),(II), (2014)
© Melik Ohanian
Datcha Project — Real Track (I),(II), (2014)

Real Track

Galleria Civica G. Segantini Arco Di Trento  •  Italy [IT]


Melik Ohanian, Alberto Scodro, Cristian Chironi

In mountaineering, opening a new climbing route means tracing a new path to ascend a mountain. This , exemplifies the aim of this exhibition expression, both in its literal and symbolical meaning. Real track is a new route to climb a peak as in Ohanian’s work, but it is also an experience, a track leading us to a altered space and time, “out of place”. Real track is also one and many successions of thoughts and concepts challenging our perception of reality.

It is precisely in the multifaceted nature of this term that we started our dialogue; objects, places and events apparently disconnected, they all participate in the definition of the notion of unlearn. This notion is intended as a deliberate and cognizant amnesia; it becomes an attitude or better a critical stance to be read as a way to step aside and watch the flow. It’s a way to take a hard look on modes of presentation and representation in contemporary art and pushing us to explore new modes and new perspectives – crossing multiple perspectives.

The coexistence of a multiplicity of temporalities and spaces is one of the many trajectories crossing this wide field of action. Every work becomes an elsewhere ( ailleurs); a space of resistance and a catalyzer of collective means. We won’t talk about “exhibiting” but of “going across” instead, and we won’t mention any objective or results in the spirit of defending an open environment allowing us –Cage would say- to leave plenty of room for X quantities.

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